Why can you sign up for an email list instantly but to unsubscribe it can take up to 10 days? Is there an actual technical reason or is it a sales tactic to try to make you reconsider?


Why can you sign up for an email list instantly but to unsubscribe it can take up to 10 days? Is there an actual technical reason or is it a sales tactic to try to make you reconsider?

In: 8891

52 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m a small business owner and regulatory use email campaign tools to connect with my customer base.

Just to give you the idea, any customer who clicks on the unsubscribe button, gets unsubscribed immediately, right away, with no delay. And we never ever send them mail again. That’s how easy and fast it is even for a miniscule business like us…

Any company taking anything more than a minute to unsubscribe a customer is delaying it deliberately and, I, personally think that it’s nothing short of harassment..

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