Why can you sign up for an email list instantly but to unsubscribe it can take up to 10 days? Is there an actual technical reason or is it a sales tactic to try to make you reconsider?


Why can you sign up for an email list instantly but to unsubscribe it can take up to 10 days? Is there an actual technical reason or is it a sales tactic to try to make you reconsider?

In: 8891

52 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is no reason technically virtual things cannot be done instantly.

Legacy systems and anti patterns are the only reason we need to wait for anything. Banks could be instant, but they prioritize profit over infrastructure. Same with many industries.

If you are ever blocked from doing something instantly, know that we absolutely could if we prioritized it. But we don’t and the reason is always “it makes someone more money for it to be like that”.

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