Why can you sign up for an email list instantly but to unsubscribe it can take up to 10 days? Is there an actual technical reason or is it a sales tactic to try to make you reconsider?


Why can you sign up for an email list instantly but to unsubscribe it can take up to 10 days? Is there an actual technical reason or is it a sales tactic to try to make you reconsider?

In: 8891

52 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It depends.

No it shouldn’t take 10 days but that’s the legal requirement so companies often list it that way. and I’m sure there are some that do intentionally email during that period, but it’s not a smart move because an annoyed receiver is just going to hit the spam button the next one they get and give you a reputation hit.

Depending on how a company architects their contact management and email marketing system, it can take up to two days for it to work through if there are multiple systems in play (often email is “staged” the day before, so if you unsubscribe today you might still get tomorrow’s email)

Most newer companies will have it processed immediately inside the marketing tech solution (email service provider) when you click unsub so you won’t get any after that.

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