Why can’t the body re-absorb blood during internal bleeding?


I understand the blood is going places its “not supposed to be” but its still on the inside so whats the deal?

In: 92

22 Answers

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The circulatory system is like your bodies highway system. Red Blood Cells the transport trucks. Imagine damage to your blood vessels like a terrible blizzard during an earthquake. An overpass collapses and transport trucks and cars go careening off onto the streets below. The wreckage immense, doing damage to the other streets, any cars or buildings in the area, and the clean up (or re-absorption as you put it) takes weeks. The city (your body) impaired and forced to redirect traffic the entire time, and most of the wreckage is essentially useless. The goods being transported in the trucks never reached the destination they were meant for, there are less cars and trucks overall to do the tranportation work, and anything reabsorbed is at best recycled.

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