Why can’t we go to sleep on demand like how we are controlling other parts of the body?


We can stop breathing when we want to. We can also “tell” our body to do what we want such as moving, holding, typing, etc. So why can’t we just “tell” our brain to go to sleep immediately instead of having to wait for it to fall asleep.

In: 826

50 Answers

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Some people can. Note that ‘controlling other parts of the body’ is limited. You can hold your breath to a point, and then you will start breathing again whether you want to or not. We don’t consciously control our hearts or stomachs at all.

So some people can just get themselves to fall asleep, but this is often related to sleep deprivation. You can think of it as sleeping on command, but you can also think of it as not forcing themselves to be awake anymore so they instantly fall asleep.

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