Why can’t we go to sleep on demand like how we are controlling other parts of the body?


We can stop breathing when we want to. We can also “tell” our body to do what we want such as moving, holding, typing, etc. So why can’t we just “tell” our brain to go to sleep immediately instead of having to wait for it to fall asleep.

In: 826

50 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have a reputation for falling asleep any place, any time. Sport events, concerts, theater, home, wherever. Never used to be able to do that. I hit college and have been pretty much like that ever since. I don’t even have to be drowsy. I don’t fall asleep driving and if I feel sleepy, I pull off and am napping within minutes. Took my daughter to McDonald’s. The time it took her to go in, she estimated 10 minutes, I was asleep in the car.
Everyone who sees it, asks me to explain it. I cannot.

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