Why do cuts on your fingers heal completely while cuts on other parts of your body (such as your arm) tend to scar?


Why do cuts on your fingers heal completely while cuts on other parts of your body (such as your arm) tend to scar?

In: Biology

4 Answers

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They are often of completely different scales. If you get a shallow cut in your arm or leg you might not even notice it. However because you use your fingers all the time you tend to notice even the shallowest of cut. And these shallow cuts might not even end up leaving a noticeable scar. And when you do get a bigger cut on your arm or leg they tend to be deeper and longer. A lot of them is longer then your finger is wide and so would be a very serious injury if they were made to your fingers. All but one of my scars on my fingers were from wounds that required attention from a doctor while none of the scars on the rest of my body needed much other then a bandage.

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