Why do dentists stab your gums and then tell you you dont floss enough?


I’ve always wondered what the purpose is, also are they actually stabbing your gums or just near enough to make them sensitive? There has to be a more complex medical reason then just telling people they need to floss

In: Biology

4 Answers

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Dentists and dental hygienists use a small measuring device in the form of a dental tool and place it between your gum and your tooth and see how far down it goes. The spacing is something like: 1-3 is great, 3-4 is moderate, and it gets progressively worse up to 7 I think. The more the little tool can be pushed down into the gum the worse your gum health is. You will bleed if you haven’t been flossing. Flossing gets the bacteria out from those areas where the bristle from a toothbrush cannot reach. If you don’t floss regularly then you most likely will end up with gingivitis and your teeth will rot. You will end up with false teeth. So floss everyday! It takes one minute. Your teeth are worth it!

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