why do drugs like alcohol and stimulants like cocaine cause you to crave nicotine?


Everyone I know who drinks or does stim drugs like cocaine end up smoking loads of cigs, Is there a reason for it?

In: Biology

12 Answers

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This sounds like an addiction medicine issue. Addiction is an extremely difficult area where there are entire books written just to introduce people to the subject, such as [this one](https://shop.lww.com/The-ASAM-Principles-of-Addiction-Medicine/p/9781496370983).

Alcohol could cause you to crave cigarettes because it reduces inhibitions and self-control, thereby allowing you to act on urges you normally wouldn’t act on. Some people smoke marijuana after drinking. Some people buy things online or go shopping, spending freely.

Not sure why cocaine causes a craving…I’m only a few pages into the textbook I mentioned.

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