Why do drugs/medicines have such difficult names?


And what’s the creative process behind coming up with such names?

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18 Answers

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The generic names are usually based on the chemical name. Like Metformin contains dimethylbiguanide

so Metformin says it contains methyl and a Formin, in this case Guanide

A lot of medications are like this, Sertraline contains Desmethylsertraline

But the Commercial name is chosen, and they’ll often just pick a word that sounds ‘medical’ but gives a hint of what it is.

So like Metformin is Diabetes medication, a brand name is Glucophage. Most people know ‘glucose’ is sugar related, so a diabetic is going to understand this medication relates to sugar levels.

Other things like, Viagra is just again, make it sounds vaguely like something… vaguely like Vigor, or Vitality, and the letter V always makes people think of vaginas.

Same with stuff like Claritin… vaguely sounds like clear or clarity.

Prevacid literally prevents Acid…. Prev…acid

Like if I was asked to rename a chair as a a medical compound, I’d call it Aseatorest or something. That’s basically what they are doing.

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