Why do drugs/medicines have such difficult names?


And what’s the creative process behind coming up with such names?

In: 13

18 Answers

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The generic (non-propriety) names of drugs do have a system that they use to assign names that should give the doctor prescribing it a general idea of what the medicine contains, what it does and also to make sure it’s not easily confused with other medicines

They are also then registered with the WHO who have a system to make sure it’s a suitable name, that nobody else complains about it, etc

As for the brand names – there’s not any requirement to have the difficult names they often choose to use. It’s basically just marketing at that point – they make it sound mediciney and similar to the official names medicines use so that people associate them with being medicine.

They could use simpler names but the end consumer (i.e. the patient) always seems to prefer to names that sound more like they think the name of medicine should sound like.

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