Why do humans have such giant willies when the rest of the primates have tiny willies? #explaintomelikeI’mfive #eli5


Why do humans have such giant willies when the rest of the primates have tiny willies? #explaintomelikeI’mfive #eli5

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I was also taught something called the “Spatula Hypothesis” which basically says that sometimes *disadvantageous* traits can be selected for evolutionarily.

The idea being have an exposed penis/testicles are obviously a problem, they are vulnerable to damage and attack removing you from the gene pool. Overcoming this disadvantage requires a better adapted individual. Smarter, stronger, all around better self preservation to overcome the weakness and then some. So those individuals who overcame the handicapped of having a “massive wangdoober” (medically speaking) reproduced and those lazy, good for nothing “dinky wangdoober” having individuals didn’t pass on their genes.

A similar argument could be made for animals with flamboyant coloration or other excessive “not ideal” traits.

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