Why do inflexible legs shake when doing certain stretches?


Such as when you’re on your back and have to lift your leg straight in the air.

Personally from the knee down if I try to go straight up or towards my body, the leg shakes uncontrollably

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

My 7th grade teacher taught me this so I could be wrong. Your muscles are made up of lots of fibers. If you used all your fibers at once, it would be way to much force and rip your muscle so your brain doesn’t let you (in extreme cases you can ex. Pinned under a car). When you’re muscles are doing work, only use some of them. If those fibers arnt strong, they “get tired quickly” and then the other fibers have to contract and they switch back and forth causing the shake

Anonymous 0 Comments

That exercise you’re referencing, in particular, has a lot to do with core strength, so if you don’t have a strong core, you’re more likely to experience the shaking as your muscle tries to perform the exercise. You’ll notice the more you do it (aka the stronger you become) the less your muscles will shake in those instances.

Anonymous 0 Comments

That is your body’s attempt at keeping the muscle from tearing, so says my personal trainer.