Why do Mars surface images have orange sky?


Well Ive been seeing some images of the Mars surface and I noticed that their sky is not dark with stars like Moon, instead it is orange-ish like [here](https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/msl/images/index.html)

In: Physics

3 Answers

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The sky on earth is only dark with stars and the moon at night, when the sun isn’t seen.

What you’re seeing is Mars during the day.

Mars has a less dense atmosphere than Earth, so as a result the sky looks like it’s a different color. True color images of mars will show a sky that has less *diffraction* than Earth’s sky, because earth’s sky is more dense.

The more dense a sky, the more diffraction. The less dense, the less diffraction.

It’s sort of like how the sky looks different under 1 foot of water than 10 feet of water!

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