Why do our bodies not get thirsty enough to drink the “recommended” amount of water?


I keep seeing these things about how people should drink 2 liters a day or 3 liters or whatever but if i had to estimate i think i drink about 0.5 to 1 liter a day, i just drink when i feel thirsty and that’s the amount i need to drink in a day to not feel thirsty…

If we only eat when we’re hungry why do we have to drink when we’re not thirsty?

In: Biology

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your body and your activities are the biggest factor.

When I spend time out in the desert, like Utah red-rock regions, Arches, and similar, I completely finish two full gallons during the day (8 liters for the rest of the world). I usually drink even more after getting back to camp, or the motel. I insist that my family carries at least a full gallon per person, with more in the vehicle for refills.

On the opposite end of the spectrum… If your day is spent sitting in front of the computer all waking hours, in a temperature controlled, humidity controlled apartment with no notable exercise, you will need much less water.

If you get out and exercise, or do strenuous work, or even tasks like gardening, you can lose a lot of water.

Your mileage may vary.

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