Why do people tend to be grossed/creeped out my some insects more than others?


I feel like a lot of people who are freaked out by spiders are less freaked out by crickets or beetles. While millipedes and centipede and spiders tend to gross people put because they can be poisonous, people know that cockroaches aren’t poisonous, but see them as repulsive.

In: Biology

4 Answers

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It has to do with danger and instinct. It’s human instinct that spiders and snakes are associated with danger. As ambush predators they would hide and often surprise unsuspecting humans who stumble upon them, disturb them, and receive a defensive bite in the process.

Cockroaches on the other hand represent a danger in another form, cockroaches are typically found around filth and human trash. Things like that are a breeding ground for disease, so cockroaches become instinctually associated with disease and filth.

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