Why do people with dementia forget things like people/events, but not things like the alphabet or relatively simple grammar? Or do they, and it’s just not really shown in western media?


Why do people with dementia forget things like people/events, but not things like the alphabet or relatively simple grammar? Or do they, and it’s just not really shown in western media?

In: 352

30 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s no set path of how dementia will affect an individual, people suffer in many different ways.

Its mainly the intellectual part of the brain that goes first, but when dad was in the nursing home other patients ranged from almost catatonic to others you might mistake for visitors rather than patients.

Some were placid, some angry, some wouldn’t eat, some were frantic.
Some didn’t change for years, some were gone in 6 months.

Dad didn’t know who we were for years, but one day I walked in and he said to the others ‘Ah, my boy is here, he’ll sort it out…’

For some it seemed worse for the family than the patients. but some were terrified and lived their last days in fear.

Awful disease, but there are no hard and fast rules.

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