Why do pipelines have U shaped bends every now and then?


Wouldn’t that make impossible for “pigs” to go trough resist flow, make cavitation acumulate grime and other piping problems?

Surely they have a reason to be but I have no idea what it is

In: Engineering

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The metal pipe expands when it gets warm and contract when getting cold. So the U bend is there so when the part in between expand or contract the pipe there can bend a bit. The alternative is that you need to make the pipes thicker and the stand along stronger to hold them in place.

It might make pumping a bit harder but is make construction a lot cheaper

On a long bridge, you will see a [Expansion_joints](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expansion_joint) with meral on the road and a small gap that exist there for the same reason of expansion and contraction.

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