Why do rubber bullets leave an outline rather than a filled in circle as a bruise?


Why do rubber bullets leave an outline rather than a filled in circle as a bruise?

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When the bullet hits something, it compresses **a lot**. This causes the outside rim of the bullet to come in contact at a much higher speed than the inner area.

That doesn’t mean you won’t get some fill, it just means the outside area is going to be the most prominent marking, especially after it starts to heal and the bruising begins.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Cause there rubber and not lead, lead woud leave a hole penetrate, rubber has flexibility so bullet dissipates around the the center and with contact will bounce, still will Fuk you up tho.

Anonymous 0 Comments

So the ball hits the skin. The skin is full of capillaries full of blood. The pressure of the ball pushes the blood out of the capillaries right under it away from the center. The increased pressure breaks some of the capillaries as they get too full, letting blood clot inside and under the skin, visible as a bruise. The area right under the impact had no blood in the capillaries, it was all pushed out, so those capillaries don’t break like the ones right outside the impact.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Lol it’s not only rubber bullets.

This is easy to see.. get some dough, roll it flat, slap it hard. As your hand pushes down, the stuff under your hand will rush to get out and form a ridge around the dent.

In this cake the bullet pancakes (which is exactly why it doesn’t kill you, usually) and essentially “slaps” you really hard, pushing all the blood out of the impact area, leaving it pale, and into the area right around it, the swelling and contusion. Once the blood returns to the crushed capillaries, you should have a nice uniform bruise..

However, you don’t have to go this far to see the same effect. Paintballs do the same thing, if you dont freeze them first (yeah i have fucked up friends).. as will, believe it or not, a nice and solid slap.

Have someone slap you as hard as they can on your back or your arm, you will see the same welting around the impact site. It’s simply blood moving around as the capillaries are squished and burst.