Why do some cuts/scratches/wounds heal relatively fast, and some take a whole lot longer?


I have a tiny scab on my arm that has scarred and reopened multiple times, but large surgery wounds I’ve had have healed completely in less time than I’ve had this one. Am I just stupid and missing something obvious?

EDIT: I don’t pick at scabs. I can recognise basic cause and effect.

In: 29

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s because you mess with small wounds as they heal. They get itchy, you absentmindedly pick at them. The pretty soon, they’re still open a month later.

You are conscious of a major wound so you don’t mess with it and it heals quickly. I’ve cut my calf and messed with it again and again. It took months to heal. I’ve had wrist surgery and it was healed fully in 5 days. Only because I paid attention to not mess with it.

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