Why do text articles that are written on popular news, hobby, and aggregate sites have typos, errors, etc.? I thought they wouldn’t want to pay any real “editors,” but why not just use Grammarly or spellcheck what they write in a word article?


Why do text articles that are written on popular news, hobby, and aggregate sites have typos, errors, etc.? I thought they wouldn’t want to pay any real “editors,” but why not just use Grammarly or spellcheck what they write in a word article?

In: Other

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Much of the article scraping is done automatically and there is no user review process.

Some of those sites have a staff of less than a dozen people.

The primary purpose of the site is to get clicks and show ads, the quality of the articles apparently is not important enough to justify the expense or they would.

Also if the scraping is a redirecting article bring displayed in their site, they can not edit the original.

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