Why do we get cravings?


Why do we get cravings?

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Previously, when we ate something, our body broke that food down into constituent parts: x amount of salt, y amount of sugar, z amount of fat, etc.

When we get a craving, it’s basically our body crying out for a specific food item that it feels is lacking in the system. The way it conveys this to our brain is; “Hey, remember when you had that chocolate bar last week? I could do with X ingredient from that thing. Go get it!”

It could have been a number of foods that contained that specific protein/fat/carb/whatever, but our brain translated it into something we remember.

So all of a sudden, you may need a specific sugar from fruit, but your head says: “Dude! Get me a raisin bran bar! Now!”

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