why do we remember tiny details from traumatic events that we wouldn’t ordinarily remember?


For example if I ask someone what they had for breakfast or what song was on the radio yesterday, they may not know.

But if I asked them what they did the day their loved one died 30 years ago, they could probably tell you: I had Cheerios for breakfast. The mail was late. I got stuck in traffic. Boyz II Men was on the radio.

Why does our brain store these tiny details in times of trauma?

In: 7

6 Answers

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It is likely an evolutionary survival trait.

Traumatic events burn details into memory so that you are able to remember specifics if you ever find yourself in that situation again. 50,000 years ago, this was a huge benefit – you want to remember the sights, sounds, smells, etc. that were happening before you were attacked by a tiger or a landslide happened. Remembering and recognizing those little details might save your life if it happens again.

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