Why do we usually get mental blocked when being asked on the spot?


Why do we usually get mental blocked when being asked on the spot?

In: Other

4 Answers

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A huge part of the problem is that your memories are not like computer files – it’s a series of clues leading to information that your brain has to recall.

The links can get weak over time, also they don’t form on the spot. That’s why you have to rehearse things.

So if some one comes up to you and says “Quick! What’s the name of your Uncle’s girlfriend?” Your brain may ‘freeze’ because those links are weak and just can’t cough up that information on the spot.

If you have rehearsed something, you can minimize the ‘freeze’ – but only if it’s what you’ve rehearsed.

When I was sent to the Army promotion board – I had to drill and drill answers beforehand AND have a prepared response in case if forgot something. Just sitting there like a deer in the headlights was a NO-GO. Even then, that took work to get that down.

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