Why do you get hangover?


Why do you get hangover?

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

dehydration, lack of nutrition. vomiting worsens these things, alcohol withdrawals are shit and get worse as you get older as your organs get less good over time so they’re like “ok dude let’s just give this bastard a hangover so we don’t have to do as much work”.
gastrolyte or hydralyte or berocca is really good for hangovers. or powerade.
also lack of sleep from caffeine and sugar especially when added to drinks, eg: pre mixes all are gonna keep you awake and have a nasty crash and make you feel worse.
i suppose people don’t study enough into harm reduction so they can suffer more.
alcohol isn’t the same as like eating fruit or something, alcohol is not a natural thing made for ingestion.
that’s about all i know, but basically alcohol just makes your body mad at you

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