Why does common advice stipulate that you must consume pure water for hydration? Won’t things with any amount of water in them hydrate you, proportional to the water content?


Why does common advice stipulate that you must consume pure water for hydration? Won’t things with any amount of water in them hydrate you, proportional to the water content?

In: 1542

20 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

For the most part drinking anything that’s water based will hydrate you well enough. Coffee, juice, tea, milk, soda and so on. We will exclude things that should not be drunk like sea water.

The advice that you just drink straight (tap) water to hydrate is more to control for sugars and other sources of calories that are present in beverages, not because there’s some huge advantage in hydration. In North America we already have a hard enough time controling our diets and people don’t always realize how much sugar is in a simple glass of OJ.

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