Why does light even move? what force makes it move at insane speed?


Why does light even move? what force makes it move at insane speed?

In: 193

14 Answers

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Nothing. Nothing makes light move that fast. Literally.

Light as almost 0 mass. Which means its not *slowed down* much (if any). Everything is in motion. Everything is moving. There’s no force behind this motion it’s just the state of things. Mass makes things move slower the more of it a given thing has.

Also, nothing moves. Literally.

This is part of that whole thing Einstein came up with that everyone knows of, but basically no one knows what it means. Space and time are the same thing. To move in space is to move in time, to move in time is to move in space.

Time and motion are also 100% relative. To everything. All the time.

No. Relay.

If you were moving at almost the speed of light, time would seem to stop for you, and consequently, motion would seem to stop. From your pov. From our PoV you’d basically just teleport away.

Fun fact, no pov is correct. All of them are right at all times, always. Does that make any sense? Nope! But it’s how this 8th grade shop class birdhouse of a universe is set up.

What’s this mean? It means a lot of our ideas about how things work are only true from our reference frame (science talk for PoV) on this dirt ball we call Earth. If you were moving just under the speed of light away from the center of our galaxy, and you were passed by someone moving at the same speed as you but in the opposite direction, they would appear to be moving faster than light from your reference frame, and all observations and measurements you could make would also say they were moving faster than light.

TLDR; Speed, motion, distance, and time are illusory effects created by the 3 spacial and 1 temporal dimensions of spacetime, and consequently what we know of them is only a fraction of their true nature.

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