Why does the brain mostly remember tragic, bad or embarassing memories instead of the happy ones


Why does the brain mostly remember tragic, bad or embarassing memories instead of the happy ones

In: 4262

36 Answers

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Because happy memories are useless to your survival.

You remember that time you touched the stove because it was a lesson your brain wants you to remember: Don’t be an idiot.

The baseline your brain wants is for you to be content. Emotional net-neutrality. You can find happiness later, just be glad you aren’t dangling off a cliff missing a leg because of your bad decisions

It also tends to be the case that “bad” things are typically a lot easier to remember. “Bad” in a lot of cases just means “unexpected”. It’s a lot easier to remember things that were surprising/impactful.

You aren’t surprised when you go hiking for the 30th time, and nothing new happens. If anything, many might find it boring at that point. But, a surprise life or death experience with a rattle snake is definitely gonna make that 30th a day to remember. It stands out.

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