Why does the brain mostly remember tragic, bad or embarassing memories instead of the happy ones


Why does the brain mostly remember tragic, bad or embarassing memories instead of the happy ones

In: 4262

36 Answers

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Ancient Proverb:
The tree remembers what the axe forgets.

For the axe, this was a normal day and recalling said day will provide little benefit.

For the tree, this day changed their life. Life as they knew it is over. The tree will recall that axe vividly.

In order to avoid mistakes with dire consequences our brains are wired to recall traumatic events in stark detail. Only upon looking back at such events do we see clearly how to avoid them in the future.

A smell or taste may remind us of that single bout of food poisoning. A visual or auditory cue may alert us to danger before our conscious minds pick it out.

Embarrassment is similar. Such things may not kill us or make us sick, but embarrassment can prevent social interaction from occurring. Humans are, at our core, social beings.

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