Why does the brain mostly remember tragic, bad or embarassing memories instead of the happy ones


Why does the brain mostly remember tragic, bad or embarassing memories instead of the happy ones

In: 4262

36 Answers

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What people have said above about evolutionary advantage and negative bias, but this might also help:

Think of our genes as little people. And these guys are selfish as fuck. They basically just want to make more of themselves, to have their glorious selves cover more of the planet and take more of the resources. They want to fight every other gene to be more successful, but you can’t really blame them for that, since lots of other genes out there are exactly the same way. Bastards.

Remember this viewpoint, and the answer feels more intuitive. Do they care whether you feel anxious every time you walk on a rainy day since you fell that one time? They could not give less of a fuck. Do they care whether you think badly when you remember all the bad things? Do they care whether you’re sad? Like hell. As long as they can still keep you craving sex and reproduction enough, nothing you care about effects their bottom line. They are basically scummy CEOs.

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