Why does the brain mostly remember tragic, bad or embarassing memories instead of the happy ones


Why does the brain mostly remember tragic, bad or embarassing memories instead of the happy ones

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36 Answers

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The brain remembers simply as a means to help you presently and in the future.

If you have more negative memories present then the negative ones may not have been properly framed yet.

It’s your brain saying “there’s a problem here. And I’m not quite certain what it was and how it’s solved. You need to deal with this so I can make sure we’re prepared for something similar and we can avoid catastrophe.”

Until your subconscious is settled on what happened, what it means, and what you’re going to do moving forward it won’t relax.

Because it’s job isn’t to brush things aside so you live in a state of dopamine intoxication.

It’s job is to make sure that you don’t become your friend that wandered from the campfire at night and got eaten by a lion or tiger. If it just could brush those things aside, odds are good you too would get eaten by wandering from the campfire.

If you don’t remember the happy ones currently it just means it’s not at the front of your mind. You probably have a few friends that wandered too far in your psychological history.

Deal with the negative stuff properly and you’ll have a better chance of remembering happy things at times of inaction.

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