Why does the muslim world seem to be so far behind the rest of the world ?


Places like Asia seems to have made so many progress in the past 40 years. The muslim world however seems to be plagued by wars, corruption , poverty , despite having having many resources. It doesn’t produce science/culture and does not look like it’s improving.

In: Economics

10 Answers

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When Western countries keep bombing you back to the stone age every few decades… then you seem primitive.

Some countries have been pulled back to a theocracy from a more secular society (Iran, for example) but even that can be seen as a backlash to excessive Western influence (or straight up occupation).

Plus have you seen Dubai? Or Abu Dhabi? Very modern cities. Muslim countries are much more than the representation you see on TV.

Same with Africa, the image we see doesn’t reflect the positives of that massive continent.

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