why healthy food are usually not that delicious? isn’t our body supposed to want to consume healthy food?


why healthy food are usually not that delicious? isn’t our body supposed to want to consume healthy food?

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9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Healthy food *is* delicious. But our palettes have evolved to drive us to seek out the most scarce and critical aspects to our diet: energy. We’re adapted to chase fat and sugar (and salt), because in nature, those were the hardest things to get. You’d get all the vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients you could possibly need, all while just trying to satisfy your brain’s need for carbs and fat.

So, now that we’ve mastered nature, and can grow far more carbs and fat (and refine enough salt), we can indulge the energy starved lunatic in our brain well beyond the point where it is healthy. And our bodies haven’t yet adapted to that abundance. It’s still in starvation mode, where every calorie is packed away for that day when you can’t find any potato chips.

Lastly, our palettes are *adaptive*. The same food isn’t necessarily safe to eat in every biome, and we’re adapted to learn what’s good to eat from our parents. So, when your parents feed you junk food and no vegetables, your don’t develop a taste for healthy food, you grow up a picky eater, and struggle with your weight for the rest of your life, because the only things that taste good are loaded up with fat, sugar, and salt.

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