why healthy food are usually not that delicious? isn’t our body supposed to want to consume healthy food?


why healthy food are usually not that delicious? isn’t our body supposed to want to consume healthy food?

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9 Answers

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Delicious is subjective. Personally, I love most vegetables, and prefer them without butter and carrot cooked or raw (if they’re safe to eat that way). I also prefer lean meats.

That said, in general, we’ve evolved to crave salts, sugars, and fats. This is because they were harder to come by in previous years versus modern era where we can just go to the store and buy whatever junk food we want. They provide boosts of energy, which was great for hunting and not starving to death in winter.

Additionally, our neurons in our brains register sugar, salt, and fat as pleasurable. We release endorphins when we eat them.

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