why healthy food are usually not that delicious? isn’t our body supposed to want to consume healthy food?


why healthy food are usually not that delicious? isn’t our body supposed to want to consume healthy food?

In: 3

9 Answers

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Biologist here

That’s not really how our biology works. Our bodies crave fat, sugar and dense foods because that’s what provided our ancestors with energy. Sugar was extremely rare for most of humanity, and was a great source of energy, so our bodies rewarded us when we found it with that yummy good feeling. Fat was needed for energy as well.

We didn’t eat on a regular schedule for most our history, sometimes we would go days between meals, surviving off forging berries and roots. So our body rewarded us when we ate things like fat and sugar, high in calories.

Evolution is super slow, if humanity was a 24 hour clock, its only be a few hours of time in the grand scheme of things since we were hunter gatherers. Our bodies are still wired to reward us when we eat what was once incredibly needed and rare food sources

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