Why is calling someone a “mongoloid” considered not racist? Last I knew, mongoloid was a scientific term used to describe people of East Asian descent. So, the insulter is implying you’re somehow stupidly Asian? I’m confused.


Why is calling someone a “mongoloid” considered not racist? Last I knew, mongoloid was a scientific term used to describe people of East Asian descent. So, the insulter is implying you’re somehow stupidly Asian? I’m confused.

In: Culture

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is an outdated term to do what you’ve described, the first entries of Google answer your question perfectly

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is a little racist, but not a lot of people know it’s history. So when you say it around a group of people that don’t know what it is, it passes.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a dated scientific term that’s basically not really used anymore in scientific contexts.

The specific link between stupidity and the term is because it historically was used as a synonym for Down Syndrome, due to the fact that the facial features of those who have DS resemble those of East Asians.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In French, “mongol” almost always refers (negatively) to someone with down syndrome. Of course in the right context, it also refers to the people of Mongolia. But unless you’re specifically talking about Mongolian history, it’s just used as an insult on someone’s intelligence.

That most probably has to do with facial features between these two groups.

I don’t see it as a racial insult at all, but it’s very offenssive against people with down syndrome. I mean, it’s basically using them as a point of reference for dumbness…

Tl;dr : in France it’s not racist, but definitely offensive to people with down syndrome