Why is eating humans not healthy?


I’m serious, I wanna know

In: Other

5 Answers

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A human physiologist here.

Aside from the taboo and health requirements bordering on murder (you don’t want to eat anything that has died of disease or old age, any edible meat should generally come from a healthy, freshly slaughtered animal), there are many diseases that are only transmitted through eating human flesh.

Most common are prion diseases, which you generally get from eating human brains (or meat apparently). You might have heard from Kuru ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuru_(disease)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuru_(disease))), an **invariably lethal** neurodegenerative disease that is transmitted through eating human flesh and brains. There are also dozens of others, but those are less-known since eating human flesh is so rare. Some you might get from an otherwise healthy-looking person with no symptoms, so eating human flesh/brains is always a huge risk.

So in short, prion diseases. Lethal, horrible prion diseases. Many other diseases too, but prion diseases are most common. No way to know beforehand whether you die an agonizing death or not.

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