Why is it often acceptable to refer to a woman as a “girl” but calling a man a “boy” is often unacceptable?


Why is it often acceptable to refer to a woman as a “girl” but calling a man a “boy” is often unacceptable?

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21 Answers

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Because infantilizing women is seen as a good thing: women are most “desirable” when they’re young and naive. So when women are told their whole lives that they need to look and act young to be desirable, they internalize that. On top of that, there are many instances where women don’t get work because of their age, in the entertainment industry in particular, but often into their 30’s in other industries because (and this is true) they might want to get pregnant before it’s “too late.” Add on that mean feel less threatened by “girls” and it shows why they choose that designation.

Men, on the other hand, have been told that getting older is great. More power at home and at work? Can do literally whatever they want? Of course they don’t want to be referred to as children!

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