Why is it often acceptable to refer to a woman as a “girl” but calling a man a “boy” is often unacceptable?


Why is it often acceptable to refer to a woman as a “girl” but calling a man a “boy” is often unacceptable?

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21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t think this issue even particularly exists, as it’s entirely contextual.

Some women will call their partner their ‘boy’ as much as ‘my man’. It largely depends on their relationship. Many men call their mates ‘the boys’, and many women call their mates ‘the girls’ or ‘girlfriends’.

I imagine some women like being referred to as a ‘girl’ as they get older, as it implies that they still have youthfulness, and we live in quite shallow times where everyone wants to look and feel young for as long as possible. on the other hand, some women would find it incredibly patronising.

There are definitely some men who would feel offended at being called a boy, but I imagine that’s largely related to the mentality they have developed through parental influence and socialisation.

Personally I would use what I felt to be the most appropriate term for a given context.

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