Why is it often acceptable to refer to a woman as a “girl” but calling a man a “boy” is often unacceptable?


Why is it often acceptable to refer to a woman as a “girl” but calling a man a “boy” is often unacceptable?

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21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not as simple as that. There’s plenty of times that men will refer to their friends as boys. You see this all the time with guys saying things like “Just hangin with the boys.” or in racing “Let’s go racing boys” is a phrase that’s often said.

And you see it with women also, calling their friends girls or ladies or whatever.

Thing is this is all subjective and contextual. Using the younger version can be pejorative but most often it’s colloquial and friendly….sort of on the same level as a nickname.

And everyone receiving these will react to the differently. Some will be highly offended if you use the younger version while others will find it a much more friendly tone.

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