Why is it so hard to get up early on the weekdays for work, but so easy to get up at the same time on the weekends?


Why is it so hard to get up early on the weekdays for work, but so easy to get up at the same time on the weekends?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Routine. You’re body is used to being up at that time, but you don’t have the dread of going to work on the weekend so you have 0 problem waking up and doing whatever it is you want to do.

Anonymous 0 Comments

if you hate your work, you’re not going to want to get up and start the day. most people hate their work because capitalism ruined the satisfaction of honest labor

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your body and brain would prefer to avoid things that have a negative component.

Some people find that getting up *earlier* and scheduling “me time” prior to having to go to school or work makes it easier to get up. That time could be used for a leisurely cup of coffee or breakfast, or a workout, or catching up on preparations for the day (making lists, organizing dinner plans, getting laundry started). Having that “me time” can start the day positively and make someone feel mentally armed to face whatever negative situations may await at work or school.