Why is not possible to sell digital games and movies that you own to others like physical media?


Why is not possible to sell digital games and movies that you own to others like physical media?

In: 66

31 Answers

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Mostly are legality issues.

Physical media have wear and tear, therefore the value of 2nd hand physical media depends on the condition. When buying a physical media, the buyers bear the risk of getting something less than ideal, so there are still incentive for people to buy brand new. However digital media is technically always preserved in perfect condition. So if there is an open market for digital items, nobody is going to buy brand new from the publisher.

It is very hard to control the ownership of digital media. Like if you bought and own a digital copy, and you decide to sell your copy to someone else, how to make sure you transferred the ownership of YOUR digital copy to someone else and not just duplicating the item (aka. pirating)?

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