Why is Teresa May getting all this hate and why does the uk wanna leave the EU so badly?


Why is Teresa May getting all this hate and why does the uk wanna leave the EU so badly?


5 Answers

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The UK doesn’t want to leave the EU badly, [its also no long a majority that do at all](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_polling_for_the_United_Kingdom_European_Union_membership_referendum#Remain/Leave). But those that do want to leave have become progressively locked into that view point and are continuing to be radicalised to what it termed a “no deal” i.e walking away entirely and severing all current trading relationships with the EU and countries that have trade deals with the EU in favour of a potential set of new trading relationships ([this is not going well](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-46949431)).

Theresa May tied to be compromising pragmatist as much as it is possible to be in this circumstance, she wants to leave the UK (despite supporting remain before 2016) but was stuck in a scenario a bit like [Scylla and Charybdis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Between_Scylla_and_Charybdis). If she pushes to cut too many ties with the EU then the UK is (in the vernacular) fucked, if she tries to keep too many ties then the parts of her own party will topple her (as they just did). She had wanted to chart a course between these two options, keep enough ties to avoid economic and political devastation but sever enough to satisfy those who want to sever all ties.

The problem with that is that you cannot negotiate with a fanatic. There was no middle course so she has had sailors from her ship eaten and now the ship is going down the whirlpool. Her party had too many that want out (and more importantly to them, to stop the opposition Labour party gaining influence).

Her insistence that there was a middle course has burned a lot of time and energy that could have been used to find an actual solution. Had she negotiated with Labour from the start then she would not be in this mess, had she thrown her weight behind a second referendum on her deal then she might have salvaged what little is left of her legacy and the country.

This does not even get into the fundamental part of the problem is that the UK shares a land border with the EU that cannot afford to be a hard border (Northern Ireland), her efforts to sidestep this problem also contributed to the stalemate she found herself in.

No leader could have delivered a Brexit that was enough to satisfy the fanatics, stop economic devastation to the UK, satisfy all legal commitments to Northern Ireland. I both pity and admonish her for her performance.

She was handed a stick covered in shit and tried to pretend it was a lollipop.

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