Why is Teresa May getting all this hate and why does the uk wanna leave the EU so badly?


Why is Teresa May getting all this hate and why does the uk wanna leave the EU so badly?


5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

From my understanding she has just dropped the ball alot since this all started. And to keep it real short UK hates immigrants is why I think it sparked originally

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ll copy and paste some reasons some Brits want to leave the EU below, as to the former question: Britain is split between remainers and leavers, remainers dislike her for trying to leave the EU, leavers for failing. The deal she negotiated was poor, and when it failed to get through parliament she neither called a second referendum (to try to remain) nor left without a deal. Instead she just waited a bit, and then called another parliamentary vote, and another, and another. When the deadline to leave came around, she asked for an extention, and then another… Eventually she was forced to leave, having achieved nothing and satisfied no one.

As to why leave: Firstly it should be noted that the reason the government are trying to leave is because it was voted for, and this not leaving would damage faith in UK democracy and see the governing party destroyed at the next election.

The reason people voted leaave though: “There are a lot of different motivations, and not all supporters of leaving hold all of them. I’ll list a few below.

Freedom of Movement: Predominantly a British issue, the EU mandates that every citizen of the EU has the right to live, work, study etc in other countries of the EU. This has caused some issues, in the UK a number of people are unhappy with the level of migration from Eastern Europe to the UK. Thus they want to leave the EU.

Soverignity: One primary EU goal is “ever closer union” – essentially its slow transformation into a federal country like the US. Some people don’t feel European, and thus don’t want to be part of this federal Europe, and feel leaving is the only way to stop it. For example, they might want “their own government” to decide on regulations – because they do not feel like the EU is “their own”.

Democracy: The EU has some issues with democracy. Its executive is not directly elected and a lot of power is held by various unelected officals through its institutions. A lot of power is also organised through countries within Europe, so rather than power being held by its citizens it is held by the German Chancellor or the British PM etc. Some don’t feel that the EU is sufficently democractic, and don’t think it can be reformed to be democratic, and so want to leave. Arguments on the nature of power are difficult to ELI5, since they are heavily linked to both how the EU is organised, how it actually works (i.e. including backroom deals and so on) and more philosphical arguments about democracy.

The Euro: This does not apply to the UK, except through the paranioa they might be forced to join. However it is a motivator for some continental views. Simply put, the Euro is not very stable. It links together economies that are very different, without strong safeguards. During the 2008 recession this had a devastating effect, causing a massive recession in poorer countries like Greece, and dropping much of the rest of Europe into a recession in 2010. Under the Euro southern Europe has struggled to grow, with a number of countries having not grown much since they joined. Whether this is the Euro’s fault, if it can or will be fixed, and so on, are still debated. However for those who think the Euro is a problem, there is no legal way out, so leaving seems the only solution for some.

Trade: Being part of the EU removes a nation’s ability to set its own trade policy – it cannot negotiate its own deals or set its own tarrifs or subsidies. Sometimes this results in deals not totally in a nation’s favour. For example a country without significant agriculture might see the EU push for protection for farmers, which pushes its food prices up to protect another country’s farms. Often disagreements within the EU causes deals to fail as well. Some people think that being outside the EU will allow for more trade deals, and for those deals to be better focused on that nation’s interests, and thus want to leave.

Money: The EU collects money and pays it back out (like all governments). Some nations pay more than they directly receive, and thus some of their citizens feel they could save money by leaving.

Please note: These are motivations, not watertight arguments. You may see flaws in them, they may not meet your values at all (e.g. you might not care about immigration). This does not matter – what matters is that people belive them, and that people care about them, and that makes them want to leave the EU. I have probably missed some arguments. I have deliberatly ignored counter arguments since a balanced, nuanced, and in depth perspective would fill books. Also I do not agree with all of them, so would rather clarify than defend them.”

Anonymous 0 Comments

The UK doesn’t want to leave the EU badly, [its also no long a majority that do at all](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_polling_for_the_United_Kingdom_European_Union_membership_referendum#Remain/Leave). But those that do want to leave have become progressively locked into that view point and are continuing to be radicalised to what it termed a “no deal” i.e walking away entirely and severing all current trading relationships with the EU and countries that have trade deals with the EU in favour of a potential set of new trading relationships ([this is not going well](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-46949431)).

Theresa May tied to be compromising pragmatist as much as it is possible to be in this circumstance, she wants to leave the UK (despite supporting remain before 2016) but was stuck in a scenario a bit like [Scylla and Charybdis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Between_Scylla_and_Charybdis). If she pushes to cut too many ties with the EU then the UK is (in the vernacular) fucked, if she tries to keep too many ties then the parts of her own party will topple her (as they just did). She had wanted to chart a course between these two options, keep enough ties to avoid economic and political devastation but sever enough to satisfy those who want to sever all ties.

The problem with that is that you cannot negotiate with a fanatic. There was no middle course so she has had sailors from her ship eaten and now the ship is going down the whirlpool. Her party had too many that want out (and more importantly to them, to stop the opposition Labour party gaining influence).

Her insistence that there was a middle course has burned a lot of time and energy that could have been used to find an actual solution. Had she negotiated with Labour from the start then she would not be in this mess, had she thrown her weight behind a second referendum on her deal then she might have salvaged what little is left of her legacy and the country.

This does not even get into the fundamental part of the problem is that the UK shares a land border with the EU that cannot afford to be a hard border (Northern Ireland), her efforts to sidestep this problem also contributed to the stalemate she found herself in.

No leader could have delivered a Brexit that was enough to satisfy the fanatics, stop economic devastation to the UK, satisfy all legal commitments to Northern Ireland. I both pity and admonish her for her performance.

She was handed a stick covered in shit and tried to pretend it was a lollipop.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The Britons who **want to leave the EU** have been told that leaving would give them lower costs, fewer immigrants, and the same sort of government services. To deliver on this promise, **anyone** will have to get the EU to agree. Alas, the EU has absolutely no reason to want to agree to this. Ms. May spent many months defining an agreement the EU **is willing to approve**, and has failed 4+ times to get the UK Parliament to agree to it. She is giving up. People are mad at her for failing.

The real problem is that the people who made the promise, the **Leave** people, made a promise that nobody believes can be delivered upon. **Leave** promised that the EU would agree to the UK’s proposed terms, and this is simply never going to happen.

Why do I say “never”? There is a special problem, Northern Ireland. NI is on the same island as Ireland, an EU member. In NI is “out” and Ireland is “in”, then there must be a controlled border between them. Alas, for many years, when there was such a border, it was a **disaster for the island**. The **Leave** people claimed: a) there would be no hard border between NI and Ireland; and b) NI could remain part of the UK. These two things are mutually exclusive, unless the UK somehow forces Ireland to leave the EU also. The Brits forcing the Irish to do things is the root cause of too many Troubles for that to be seriously considered.

TL;DR. The **Leave** people sold a lie to the UK voters, and May is in trouble because she was in charge when they got caught.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s important to note that ***some*** in the UK want to leave badly, and unfortunately the whole thing comes down to a few divisive topics such as immigration (which may be largely racially based), and security/independence (which may also largely be racially based). These are common items used by politicians to create division and create strong support for nationalist agenda items.

As for May, many feel she did a poor job as a leader. She seems to have failed at taking the results of the referendum to leave (the will of the people) and getting a good exit deal for the UK.

Of course, whether the majority of the UK actually wants to leave the EU (both now, and at the time of the referendum) is a whole different topic. What is evident is voting matters, and no outcome is so guaranteed that you should feel like you don’t need to turn out at the polls for what you believe in.