Why is Teresa May getting all this hate and why does the uk wanna leave the EU so badly?


Why is Teresa May getting all this hate and why does the uk wanna leave the EU so badly?


5 Answers

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It’s important to note that ***some*** in the UK want to leave badly, and unfortunately the whole thing comes down to a few divisive topics such as immigration (which may be largely racially based), and security/independence (which may also largely be racially based). These are common items used by politicians to create division and create strong support for nationalist agenda items.

As for May, many feel she did a poor job as a leader. She seems to have failed at taking the results of the referendum to leave (the will of the people) and getting a good exit deal for the UK.

Of course, whether the majority of the UK actually wants to leave the EU (both now, and at the time of the referendum) is a whole different topic. What is evident is voting matters, and no outcome is so guaranteed that you should feel like you don’t need to turn out at the polls for what you believe in.

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