Why is video so prevalent in social media nowadays? Often information has to be condensed to fit the time allowed and it makes it more difficult to follow rather than text


Why is video so prevalent in social media nowadays? Often information has to be condensed to fit the time allowed and it makes it more difficult to follow rather than text

In: 3363

75 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

People are getting dumber with shorter attention spans. Video appeals to them, even if they can barely read. People producing text articles are also getting worse at sharing information. Lastly: video is easier to monetize.

Anonymous 0 Comments

People are getting dumber with shorter attention spans. Video appeals to them, even if they can barely read. People producing text articles are also getting worse at sharing information. Lastly: video is easier to monetize.

Anonymous 0 Comments

We’re still suffering from Facebooks lies a decade ago about “pivot to video”. Facebook basically just lied about how much video people were consuming so that they could sell more ads. Marketers took it as gospel and it became self-fulfilling.

Anonymous 0 Comments


If I write

“Today I ran to the store, I bought a carrot, whipped cream and chocolate chips, then I got home, cut the carrot into tiny chunks, tossed them in cinnamon, sugar, 3 grams of MSG, 2 grams of salt, and a healthy pinch of Sriracha sauce. Then, melted the chocolate chips into a slurry and blended in the whipped cream, then Intossed it in an air fryer for 2 minutes and tossed the seasoned carrot chunks in for another 30 seconds and made this delicious treat that tastes like heaven”

You could read it once, slowly and get all thr information, additionally you child screen shot it, and I’d have 1 view.

If that was a 20 second video showing me scanning carrots, whipped cream and chocolate chips at a checkout for 3 seconds, 2 seconds of chopping carrots, 3 seconds of tossing carrots in a bowl of spices, and a red sauce, 2 seconds of melting chocolate and throwing whipped cream in the bowl, 2 seconds in the air fryer, a quick cut of carrots going in the air fryer, then 8 seconds of me eating a tasty spoonful dancing and smiling at the camera, You can’t follow the recipe, you know those components make something I seem to enjoy. If you want to recreate it you either need to watch my video back a dozen times to get all the steps, guess at the ingredients, and then experiment OR if I’m an influencer the video got your attention and if you want to know more youncanncome to my website.

Boom, I have 6 views in the video, and website traffic.

Then consider people are lazy and reading is hard, you may not even click on an article about my wicked spicy carrot cream, but if it’s a video that shows up in your feed it may hold your attention and drive you to action.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A big part of it ties back to this: [Facebook falsified video metrics](https://slate.com/technology/2018/10/facebook-online-video-pivot-metrics-false.html) and many news organizations and other groups pivoted to video. For some reason, even after the truth came out, nobody pivoted back.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because when you are reading an article, you can mostly ignore the ads. After awhile, your eyes just slide past them.

When you watch a video, the company can guarantee you have to watch 2 ads that are 15 seconds each. They can charge much more for those advertisements than they can for banner ads on pages. Thus, the content creators and hosts make more money from a video, even with the higher cost of production.

Anonymous 0 Comments


If I write

“Today I ran to the store, I bought a carrot, whipped cream and chocolate chips, then I got home, cut the carrot into tiny chunks, tossed them in cinnamon, sugar, 3 grams of MSG, 2 grams of salt, and a healthy pinch of Sriracha sauce. Then, melted the chocolate chips into a slurry and blended in the whipped cream, then Intossed it in an air fryer for 2 minutes and tossed the seasoned carrot chunks in for another 30 seconds and made this delicious treat that tastes like heaven”

You could read it once, slowly and get all thr information, additionally you child screen shot it, and I’d have 1 view.

If that was a 20 second video showing me scanning carrots, whipped cream and chocolate chips at a checkout for 3 seconds, 2 seconds of chopping carrots, 3 seconds of tossing carrots in a bowl of spices, and a red sauce, 2 seconds of melting chocolate and throwing whipped cream in the bowl, 2 seconds in the air fryer, a quick cut of carrots going in the air fryer, then 8 seconds of me eating a tasty spoonful dancing and smiling at the camera, You can’t follow the recipe, you know those components make something I seem to enjoy. If you want to recreate it you either need to watch my video back a dozen times to get all the steps, guess at the ingredients, and then experiment OR if I’m an influencer the video got your attention and if you want to know more youncanncome to my website.

Boom, I have 6 views in the video, and website traffic.

Then consider people are lazy and reading is hard, you may not even click on an article about my wicked spicy carrot cream, but if it’s a video that shows up in your feed it may hold your attention and drive you to action.

Anonymous 0 Comments

My least favorite is when I do a Google search to find a simple factual answer and instead of taking me to a page where I can read the answer in one sentence, I am directed to watch long ass videos to hear someone talk about it. So annoying.

Anonymous 0 Comments

People are getting dumber with shorter attention spans. Video appeals to them, even if they can barely read. People producing text articles are also getting worse at sharing information. Lastly: video is easier to monetize.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ever since the release of ig reels, the platform’s algorithm has been favoring videos. So if posters want to reach more people, they use videos instead.