Why, while initially washing hands with soap, there are a lot of soap bubbles, but in continuous rubbing if hands, the soap bubbles seem to disappear?


Why, while initially washing hands with soap, there are a lot of soap bubbles, but in continuous rubbing if hands, the soap bubbles seem to disappear?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Try the same experiment while wearing rubber gloves. Are the soap bubbles disappearing because the soap is combining atomically with the dirt and oils of your hands?

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Why, while initially washing hands with soap, there are a lot of soap bubbles, but in continuous rubbing if hands, the soap bubbles seem to disappear?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Try the same experiment while wearing rubber gloves. Are the soap bubbles disappearing because the soap is combining atomically with the dirt and oils of your hands?

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