Ask a question Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 2 Ans How do cameras see? 174 views 2 Ans eli5 What does the term “woe is me” mean? 182 views 3 Ans What “Lite” Salt Is 207 views 1 Ans Why does waving a stick on fire sound like waving a flag? 135 views 2 Ans Eli5: How define arithmetic operations from scratch with set theory? 200 views 4 Ans What is graph isomorphism? 202 views 1 Ans If muscle cells stay forever, why do you lose muscle and strength after you stop using steroids? 143 views 8 Ans Why is it bad to flush tampons down a toilet, when they are smaller than the average turd and biodegradable? 332 views 3 Ans Why are hairs that fall out (eyelashes especially) white at the root? 215 views 2 Ans How does lenticular art work? 155 views 8 Ans I don’t understand checksums 333 views 5 Ans How do earbuds turn noise cancelling on and off? 207 views 4 Ans Why our upper teeth seem larger than (or are larger than) our lower teeth 190 views 1 Ans Eli5 : How does the brighter screen affected our eyes ? 154 views 4 Ans Why is it that we can drink sugary drinks all day long, but feel sick after eating too much sugar at once? 185 views 8 Ans Is there any difference from your livers perspective to drink slower, but still at capacity (i.e. 1 standard drink per hour) or is it the same as drinking a lot of drinks at the same time and the liver getting ‘backed up’? Is one of them better for your liver? Is there a ‘waiting room’ per se? 253 views 1 Ans How can scientists point a telescope at a distant star or planet and confidently say “this one is ice with a methane atmosphere” or whatever? How do they know if that’s true? 108 views 2 Ans Why does the stomach start growling right after eating if the food eaten reaches the small intestine after 4-5 hours? 126 views 3 Ans Why can we taste food when we burp after an hour or two of eating dinner? 151 views 5 Ans What is a kilowatt hour and why is it used when using battery capacity instead of battery weight? 215 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,656 2,657 2,658 2,659 2,660 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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