Ask a question Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 4 Ans How do ozone machine get rid of odors and why is it dangerous to use without property PPE? 316 views 14 Ans What is the difference between an extremely thick liquid and a solid? At which point does the difference stop mattering, it at all? 740 views 9 Ans What exactly is the difference between Empathy and Compassion? 548 views 2 Ans How do movie stars get paid? 301 views 2 Ans What role does sunlight play in the light-dependent reaction as it regards electron transport 282 views 8 Ans [ELI5] Why is soda (pop) considered “bad” for you? 524 views 2 Ans why it’s possible to scroll through your screen with your finger tips but when you wrap it (your fingertip) with, say, a very thin cloth, the sensitivity reduces greatly 284 views 4 Ans – If all motion is relative, how can we assign speeds to celestial objects? 379 views 2 Ans When are mountains born? 288 views 3 Ans How does water suspended in more water not boil? ( I think it can be called a double boiler ) 323 views 3 Ans Eli5 can human become immune to poison like honey badgers ? 338 views 2 Ans How do teeth ‘know’ how to fit together in a comfortable way? 263 views 11 Ans How do we decide what counts as a new species and what’s just a variation within a species? 645 views 2 Ans Eli5: Why do too many neutrons turn a nucleus unstable? 373 views 3 Ans Eli5 how do human pharmaceutical trials work? 363 views 7 Ans Why do mars robots die becouse of dust on solar panels? 505 views 4 Ans How May SSRI medications increase/cause psychosis or worsening depression? 307 views 6 Ans Why does the US sell Treasury Bonds abroad? 450 views 3 Ans : Why countries with massive inflation where 100,000 is just a few or under a us dollar just decide to cut some zeros out to make it less to carry 291 views 6 Ans When an electric circuit is broken, what happens to the energy in the wire? 509 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,759 2,760 2,761 2,762 2,763 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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