Ask a question Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 13 Ans If muscle growth is caused by microtears, then what is the biological reason that a strain doesn’t make your muscles grow even stronger? 610 views 39 Ans Why did humans decide to settle down in very harsh environments like Siberia or the Saharan Desert, why not live in places more moderate and more accepting to life and civilization? 1.34K views 1 Ans what SAP is in business logistics and supply chain 192 views 8 Ans how do podcasts and apps make money? 428 views 6 Ans Eli5 rorschach tests? 437 views 15 Ans Since Sea Turtles are Endangered, Why Can’t We Just Help Ensure the Majority of Hatchlings make it into Water Instead of 1 in 1,000? 721 views 16 Ans Eli5: how can egg hen lay egg EVERY day? Isn’t the processus of making eggs extremely needing in terms of energy? 800 views 9 Ans What makes Earth so gosh darn livable? How is it different from the other planets in our solar system, or viewable planets in our galaxy? 466 views 2 Ans Why Does An FM Transmitter Drop Signal? 299 views 2 Ans How do master keys work on locks? 256 views 12 Ans Why do tsunamis (20~ft) cause more damage and flooding than the waves that surfers surf (world record 86ft)? 556 views 5 Ans How come CPU and GPU can draw more way power than its specified TDP? 369 views 12 Ans Why are railtracks correlated with the creation of cities? 712 views 6 Ans how do camera lenses have a “resolution” and a mega pixel count? 399 views 2 Ans What exactly makes people “freeze” while on drugs? 285 views 3 Ans Shouldn’t there be a *lot* of anti-matter out there? 311 views 8 Ans : How do trimmers not cut skin when they’re pressed against the face? 466 views 1 Ans How do 72h deodorant work? 264 views 48 Ans How is it that we have 8 billion people on Earth, and yet it seems like almost all businesses and services are short-staffed? 1.64K views 4 Ans Eli5 older building survive earthquakes 350 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,768 2,769 2,770 2,771 2,772 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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